Comparative Study Between Latching Relays And Latching Systems.

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Due to the extensive use of latching relays in the energy sector (generation, transmission and distribution) and the various models available on the market, we present in this document the constructive differences between the latching relays that are designed as an unique electrical component interlocked mechanically (as the Arteche products), and other constructive strategies where various relays, resistors and other components are used to form a system which cannot be considered as a monolithic electrical component.

Those design differences bring technical effects in the reliability of the application, the cost of the product and the costs of the equipment protected by auxiliary relays. We must not lose sight of the fact that one of the main reasons for the use of auxiliary relay is to protect electrical assets whose unavailability and difficulty of replacing causes economic losses, or even worse, damage to the "image" of the company in its role as a concessionaire for generation, transmission and distribution of electricity.

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