Electrical Studies for Renewable Energy Grid Connection

Steady-state and Dynamic studies for renewable energy integration, system stability and Grid-Code compliance

Connection and Disconnection Switching Studies

Connection and Disconnection Switching Studies

Study of Transient Surges due to Capacitor Banks, Inductors or Harmonic Filters.

This study will determine the overvoltages produced by the switching operations of equipment such as transformers, and/or capacitor and inductor banks or shunt reactors in order to determine the validity of the selected switchgear for the previously established reactive compensation equipment.

The disconnection study, on the other hand, analyzes the disconnection operation of the inductance or filters. During disconnection, the power failure causes an overvoltage (TRV) on the load side of the switch, with large oscillations.

The study carried out by Arteche is a Study of Transient Overvoltages due to capacitor banks, Inductors or Filters operations; focused both on verifying that the transient voltages (TRV) are below the limits of switches, capswitcher and rlswitcher; and that rest of the installation’s voltages (mainly in LV terminals of wind turbines or inverters) are below their operating limits as well. 

To carry out this type of study, it is important to model the relevant parasitic capacitances of the substation, and the transmission lines. Studies should consider faults with currents close to 100% of the fault current capacity. 

If the operating surges occurring in the installation exceed the operating limits of the selected breaker or the sensitive elements of the power plant (power units), a breaker with a capacity greater than the initial one analyzed or of a different technology shall be selected, evaluated and proposed: capswitcher or rlswitcher in each case, and its suitability shall be verified again for the same operation.

Documentation and Downloads

Catálogo de Serviços Arteche
Brochure - Arteche Services
Catálogo de Servicios Arteche
Brochure PQ Grid code solutions for renewable power
Catalogo Soluciones para integración de renovables y cumplimiento de código de red
Flyer Technical consultancy for renewable energy grid connection
Flyer Assessoria técnica para instalação de energias renováveis à rede
Flyer Estudios eléctricos de conexión a red de renovables
Flyer Mantenimiento en bancos de capacitores y filtros de armónicos
Flyer Maintenance for capacitor banks and harmonic filters