Technical Consultancy for Renewable Energy Grid Connection

Integration of renewable energy, system stability and and Grid-Code compliance

Modeling and Simulation of Electrical Systems

Modeling and Simulation of Electrical Systems

Simulating an electrical system in a simple but precise way is essential in order to make an analysis and diagnosis of the electrical system. 

Understanding the architecture of the plant or system by interpreting the elements that can influence the analysis and its integration and effect on the overall operation will determine the results of subsequent studies.

The goal is to build a model of an electrical system by using a set of equations that attempt to predict the behavior of the system. Through modeling and simulation, a prediction of the behavior of the power generating facilities is obtained, which in turn allows for the identification of system aspects which are to be monitored, improved or complemented.

At Arteche we have the most advanced software tools for a correct modeling of the plant or electrical system, such as DigSilent, PSS-E, Dranview, ETAP, EMTP, etc.

Documentation and Downloads

Catálogo de Serviços Arteche
Brochure - Arteche Services
Catálogo de Servicios Arteche
Brochure PQ Grid code solutions for renewable power
Catalogo Soluciones para integración de renovables y cumplimiento de código de red
Flyer Estudios eléctricos de conexión a red de renovables
Flyer Assessoria técnica para instalação de energias renováveis à rede
Flyer Technical consultancy for renewable energy grid connection
Flyer Mantenimiento en bancos de capacitores y filtros de armónicos
Flyer Maintenance for capacitor banks and harmonic filters