Protection of mixed overhead-underground lines

CFD offers a reliable, fully passive, line differential (87L) or Earth Overcurrent (50G) solution

Flexible Current Transformer SDO FCT

Flexible Current Transformer SDO FCT

Botón youtubeARTECHE’s SDO FCT is a passive, flexible, optical current transformer.

Passive:  The SDO FCT does not need any external power source, it receives the light pulses that ARTECHE’s SDO MU CFD sends and, thanks to ARTECHE’s Faraday-effect based current sensing technology, it provides a Class 5P current measurement.

Easy to install: The current sensing is done in a 20m sensing cable. This is a loose cable that has to be wrapped around the overhead-underground transition point (at the insulated cable side, so no additional insulator is necessary). It is not necessary to make any changes to the overhead-underground transition, which makes it suitable both for new lines and for retrofitting existing lines.

Documentation and Downloads

Flyer Cable fault detector SDO CFD
Case Study Protection of partially undergrounded HV lines with remote optical measurement

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