Low voltage instrument transformers

Current and voltage transformers, insulators and wall bushings

Insulators & Wall Bushings

Insulators & Wall Bushings

Support or signal insulators for M.V. indoor service and wall bushings.

  • Indoor Support Insulators AR up to 36 kV
  • Witness Insulator for signal transmission up to 36 kV
  • Indoor Wall Bushing PRU,PRP,PBD,PBE,PPL up to 36 kV
  • Outdoor Wall Bushing PPE-36 up to 36 kV

Documentation and Downloads

Catálogo Transformadores de medida. Baja tensión
Brochure Instrument transformers. Low voltage
Catálogo - Aisladores y pasamuros
Brochure Isulators & Wall Bushings