Electrical Studies for Renewable Energy Grid Connection

Steady-state and Dynamic studies for renewable energy integration, system stability and Grid-Code compliance

Temporary Surges and Rapid Voltage Variations Study

Temporary Surges and Rapid Voltage Variations Study

Rapid voltage variations studies will demonstrate if the variations at the MV busbar/s, and the electrical system connection substation are higher than the standard limits, the switchgear requirements or the what the facilities operator allows

This study will be carried out to determine temporary surges that occur due to the energization or de-energization of capacitor banks, harmonic filters and inductances or shunt reactors.

The study will be carried out by means of load flows. Analyzing the voltage variations at the Point of Coupling Point (PCC), at the high and medium bus voltages of the wind/solar farm substation.

Documentation and Downloads

Catálogo de Serviços Arteche
Brochure - Arteche Services
Catálogo de Servicios Arteche
Brochure PQ Grid code solutions for renewable power
Catalogo Soluciones para integración de renovables y cumplimiento de código de red
Flyer Technical consultancy for renewable energy grid connection
Flyer Assessoria técnica para instalação de energias renováveis à rede
Flyer Estudios eléctricos de conexión a red de renovables
Flyer Mantenimiento en bancos de capacitores y filtros de armónicos
Flyer Maintenance for capacitor banks and harmonic filters